Denver AGA
Dates and times
Date: January 23, 2018
Session times:
8:00 AM to 11:30 AM
12:30 PM to 4:00 PM
Registration closes on January 16, 2018
Location Details
BLM National Operations Center, DFC, BLDG. 50
Denver, CO 80225
California Room (D-21 on Meeting Map Posted at Entrances)
Visitor entrance Building 50 is on Main St. in between 5th St. and 6th St. It is easiest to get on the Federal Center through Gate 1 on Kipling in between 6th Ave. and Alameda Ave.
All visitors are required to wear their Federal government identification. Only use door W-2. The meetings are in a secure building, so all visitors will be signed in by Michael Maez.
Only register for one session, as the topics will be the same for each session
Registration is limited to the first 25 people to register for each session
Event Registration Closed
We apologize, but registration for this event is now closed.
We invite you to leave your contact info and we will let you know when/if we schedule a follow up event.